The tent is back!
I saw it yesterday as I drove to work. Just before Halloween, I was wondering when the tent would finally make its appearance. And then--almost like magic POOF!!! There it is.
Every year, in the same lot next to the Shell gas station, a huge tent is put up around the first of November. Friday, it didn't have the sides on yet, but they'll be on in a day or two, as will the rv. What do they sell, you ask? I think you've probably have already guessed by now. But if you haven't, they sell Christmas trees!!!
In less than three weeks, it'll be Thanksgiving (for us in the US). It's starting to feel like the holiday season, except for the weather. I don't know about you, but highs in the 80s (F) is not holiday weather for this time of year. Hey, you guys up north! Could you get out your blowers and force some of that cold air down to me? Please?
At school (my work), we started the annual canned food drive to help out a local food bank. They've challenged the 2nd period classes to see who can bring the most canned food. We'll find out just how competitive some of the classes are in the next two weeks.
On a writing note, I've got two weeks to get the first draft down. I'm actually making really good progress toward that goal. In fact, I've got today (Saturday) pretty much all to myself. Husband's gone hunting and son's at work. So it's just me and the two kitties. Time to get to work.