Friday, November 21, 2014

Five Thoughts for Friday and the Holidays

Thought 1
I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Even my students have commented on how fast this school year is going. I don't think it's because the days are actually speeding by, but because we are all so, work, extracurricular activities, various obligations, friends, social time, holidays, etc. It is not just the adults. The kids are busy with all of this too.

Thought 2
In a couple of hours, I will be at the Weihnachtsmarkt 2014 (German Christmas market) in New Braunfels. I will have copies of all my books, including the new one, The Monster's Scribbler. If you're in the area, come by and do some of your Christmas shopping.

Thought 3
The holidays are officially here. Yeah, I know. Next week is Thanksgiving, but for me the holiday season officially started a few weeks ago when the Christmas tree tent went up. One morning, the travel trailer was there and then the next, the tent was up.

Thought 4
I'm like my students right now. I'm ready for the Thanksgiving holiday to start. Not only am I ready for the break from the school routine, but I have a crowd coming for Thanksgiving that I have to get ready for, and I'm ready for a little time free from school paperwork to start writing the new book, which leads me into...

Thought 5
The outline for the 3rd book in the Children of Atlantis series is ready written. I'm going to make a few tweaks to it as I type it (yes, it's handwritten on sticky notes). I'm excited!!!