- My granddaughter was born.
- Mr. C and I sold our house and moved.
- I got rid of the car I didn't like and bought a new one.
- Mr. C had some major heart issues.
- I'm now working on my first adult horror.
The horror book is my take on zombies. I'm having fun with the story. I'm working to have it ready for publication around Halloween. Yes, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.
I have plans for another book 4 in the Children of Atlantis series and another book in the Wisteria Mountain series. Once I finish the horror book, I will start working on a writing schedule for next year.
The Guardian of Atlantis is on sale for .99₵.
Wrath of Hades (book 2) and Warrior of Atlantis (book 3) are available at Amazon.
I have bookmarks for Guardian of Atlantis and Wrath of Hades. If you're interested in a set of signed bookmarks, send me an email with your name and address. I will send out bookmarks until they are gone. My email is arcolebooks@gmail.com